paź 18 2002

I used to think...

Komentarze: 2

I used to think that people were in my TV,
As I watched them, they watched me.
I know now, that is not the case,
I wonder if there is life in outer space.
I am now hungry as a horse
I hate it when people say:
"It’s because you’re a growing girl", of course.
Rich poor it does not matter to me,
I have a bittersweet life, what a way to be

a_n_i_u_l_e_q : :
05 listopada 2002, 21:46
Kto glupi ten glupi wiesz kto...
wiesz kto
18 października 2002, 22:34
kolejny wiersz ktory napisalas sama ????? buhahahaahahahahahahahahah kolejny wiersz za ktory twoj men cie pochwali....gratuluje mu glupoty !!!!postroofka i nara

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